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Elkhound Puppies

Breeding Update - Elkhounds Norwegian / Swedish - Elghund / Jämthund

Norwegian Elkhounds - Swedish Elkhounds - Jämthunds

New Litters from Karu and Tikka and Karu and Silver Nessa Just Announced Below - Both in May of 2025


 There are only two of the Revna Full Blood pups remaining in training. They are in Desna training now end of March 2025.

You can learn more at Golden Ring Elkhounds (@goldenringelkhounds) • Instagram photos and videos

Fullblood Elkhound FemaleRevna has her new litter on the ground. This is a fantastic litter, some of the very best genetics in the world.

I am very excited about this litter and so are Michael and Sarah.

Revna is one of our best females, she is a daughter of the famous Luna. This incredible line is very old, an ancient bloodline only found at our kennel. We are very proud of this litter.

Please contact us right away.

Michael and Sarah have incredible skill and bond so well with all the dogs. This is crucial in a breeding establishment. He also hikes and trains these dogs so understands how to bring the instincts out and flourish.

The Diversity, the history and background of the genetics of these two litters, incredible.

Please, reach out to us, we would love to talk with you or You can learn more at Golden Ring Elkhounds (@goldenringelkhounds) • Instagram photos and videos


Please check out this Fullblood Elkhound Pup video in 4K splendor.


Fullblood Elkhound Pups From Revna and ARCOMichael and Sarah have an incredible video of these pups and Revna as well as ARCO are featured.

Such an incredible set of genetics in this litter. This is profound for the Elkhound breed as this litter now is the second in the Full Blood restoration and preservation.

The ancient lines that are combined in this particular set of dogs span right back to the start of the Association and have some of the very best genetics.

Please check out this Fullblood Elkhound Pup video in 4K splendor.


Fullblood Elkhound FemaleThe Revna Full Blood Pups Are Growing Fast

These rascals from the Revna / ARCO litter are incredible. They are growing so fast and doing very well.

Such a sharp bunch of pups. Very handler focused and so attentive.

These will make some of the very best off leash handler focused dogs on the planet.

Michael and Sarah are doing a world class job with them, they are introducing them to the pack, working outside already, doing mini hiking, it's so great!

This is the lineage for hiking in bear country, the line for hiking remote terrain, they can be such awesome remote terrain protection dogs.

They will be so alert to what is around you, keeping you safe all your journey.

These will be healthy have the maximum genetic diversity, Full Bloods are maximum!

I have a great slide show over on the Elkhound Adventure Site, please click the image to view the rest of the photos.


Karia has new Elkhound PuppiesKaria and Teeko Norwegian Elkhound Pups Training and Available

Teeko and Karia pups are Incredible

We knew this litter match up of Karia and Teeko was going to be incredible but the pups have even exceeded all dreams. Wow, what a tremendous genetic combination of excellence.

This is Kuu, one of the females she is going down to long time friends and clients, Paula and Steve. They have had this genetic from us for a very long time and this is very exciting to have Kuu training in our Desna program up in Athabasca region with Michael and Sarah at the Alberta region facility.

Michael has been working the pups through the Desna program and I believe we have 1 male yet in this program if you wish to speak for him, one of the families on the list might not be able to take a pup this round, so have asked to be moved to a later litter. You can get one of the boys if you reach out to us.

Michael and Sarah have created a brand new video of these Norwegian Elkhound Pups at 16 Weeks of Age. It's incredible to see them, click that link to view it in 4K.


Norwegian Elkhound Dogumentary TVMichael and Zeke had a tremendous conversation about the Norwegian and Swedish Elkhounds on Dogumentary TV the other day.

I wanted to highlight this incredible outline that Michael did of our program, our dogs, the background and history of the Elkhounds. As well there are stunning dogs in the video with him.

He covers all areas of the Norwegian Elkhound from the beginning to today, how are program of breeding these dogs is unique and what preservation and conservation of the genetic pool is involved.

ARCO is featured throughout the video, a tremendous son of Ark and Varella and Revna is there all the time pretty much as well. She is a stunning beautiful dark old world Norwegian.

The Teeko and Karia pups are laying on Michael's lap while he is doing the video, super chill rascals. You will see two of our Desna training females that Michael and Sarah are working with coming in and out as well of the video. Incredible young Norwegian Elkhounds.

This is one of the best video's on the full history, profile and breeder aspects on the Internet, be sure to watch it.

Teeko is a stunning big fella and he and Karia are both Old World Elkhounds and these pups are going to be spectactular.



Visit the Teeko Page

Teeko Norwegian Elkhound MaleYou can also watch the latest Teeko Video on our Youtube Channel - Teeko Hikes The High Country

Teeko is a son of Takoda and Tekla. He is one of the top stud dogs in North America and carries all the old ancient bloodline that Kamia has preserved for decades.

This is a full instinct Norwegian Elkhound and has incredible skill level in the mountains and has the ability to work remotely as well as any male currently alive.

This mating with Karia will produce outstanding working Norwegian Elkhounds with tremendous off leash and handler focus skill levels.



Teeko Son Jupiter Norwegian Elkhound MaleJupiter - Son of Teeko and Grandson of Karu

This stunning young male shown here at 21 weeks is up in the Desna training program with Michael and Sarah. Athabasca region is an awesome place for our Co-Breeders to raise and whelp, then train these phenomenal bloodlines.

Jupiter is one of the males from the Teeko and Karia recent litter. An amazing representation of all that preservation breeding can offer.

These males are highly skilled young pups and are ready for adventure and a life of companionship and dedication to a loyal handler. They offer the ability to just go straight to work, they have tons of skill building with our best mentor dogs.

This particular male can do solo off leash hours long remote terrain hikes with exemplary behavior. Teeko and Karia are two of our very best bloodlines and the genetic match with Karu in the background brings that extreme diversity to our preservation program and shines in this young Norwegian Elkhound male.

This is a male that is exactly like males from hundreds of years ago. We have proven over and over in our preservation program that these ancient lines will bring forth all of the old traits, instincts and behaviors from centuries ago. Literally Jupiter could be 200 years old, everything about him is exactly like the dogs of hundreds of years ago. Contact us about Jupiter and our other pups on the ground and in the Desna program.

Karu, father of Karia

Karu - Norwegian Elkhound Male

Karu is the father of Karia and he is our incredible Finnish import stud dog. What an incredible Norwegian Elkhound outcross sire.

He was brought in to be used as an outcross to bring back the old world hunt lineage and introduce his genetic to the North American Elkhounds. He has genetics that have never been outside the old country, so is a phenomenal stud dog for your females.

With the recent litter of Karia we can once again witness the fabulous daughters of Karu and see this tremendous genetic thrive.

We now have 2 females and 6 males on the Karia litter, contact us right away!

Karu is also the father of Revna, you can not imagine our blessings having these new pups on the ground from Revna.

Please visit the page for Karu and review all the background on him. Click Here Karu - Norwegian Elkhound Male


Isla Fullblood Elkhound FemaleVaeda has only 1 male remaining, he is in Desna training

As far as old world great Elkhound females go, Vaeda is one of the very best. She is one of the great young daughters of Vida and Pretty Boy Leif. This stunning beauty has incredible handler focus, ancient bloodlines and is one of the best off leash dogs we have.

Vaeda of course is a daughter of Vida, who in my opinion was one of the best mentor dogs I ever had. She was a flawless example of excellence in all aspects.

Vaeda is very much like Vida and her famous grandmother, GAEDA. As you all know GAEDA and Takoda were paired up many years ago and that is where the famous Vida arrived from.

She was then later mated to Pretty Boy Leif on her final litter and we held back VAEDA as a result.


Michael has just put up and incredible video showcasing a wide range of our genetics. This is a must see, showcasing pups to very mature dogs out in the North Alberta region of forest. Incredible footage:

Rovi and Caelidh complete 16 Week Desna Training Program For Elkhounds

Tikka and Karu - New litter coming in Mid May 2025 - USA litter - Pups will be available at 8 weeks - Montana

Karu - Norwegian Elkhound MaleThe famous Finnish outcross Norwegian Elkhound Stud Karu has two litters himself coming in May.

The first litter is going to be whelped in Montana and this is with Tikka. Tikka is a worldclass hunting lineage, she is a daughter of our Kamp and Jaegar final litter many years ago.

This combination of Karu and Tikka will yield the most genetic diversity seen in USA in decades. Some seriously good dogs coming out of this pairing.

We will only be offering males out of this litter as we will retain all females for the preservation foundation stock.

I have folks already on the list for the Karu and Tikka litter so do not wait to get in line. This is a phenomenal opportunity to get one of the very best Norwegian Elkhounds in history.

Silver Nessa and Karu - New Litter coming in May 26, 2025 - Canada litter whelping at our preservation location in Athabasca Region

Michael and Sarah will be whelping and training the coming litter of the beautiful Silver Nessa and Karu. She was just mated yesterday evening and we are expecting pups on that May 26th 2025 time frame. Just a few days really after her sister, Tikka has her litter.

Both Silver Nessa and Tikka are daughter of Jaegar. This is one of our most profound sets of litters we will be having and the preservation aspects of this is incredible.

Jaegar is one of a few last links to the great Norrland Elkhounds, founding dogs of all types and to combine him now with Karu who hails from the ancient old bloodlines and came to us from the Master breeders in Finland for this purpose is legendary. Pups from these two litters will be instrumental in preservation of unique and exceptional bloodlines for all Norwegian Elkhounds.

Again, we are going to be holding a matched pair from Silver Nessa and Karu, we have folks already speaking for pups on that litter, you need to reach out. There are no dogs that will compete with the excellence in either of these litters.

 You can learn more at Golden Ring Elkhounds (@goldenringelkhounds) • Instagram photos and videos

Rovi - Foundation Norwegian Elkhound FemaleRovi - Foundation Female Norwegian Elkhound - Shown at 7 months

Rovi is the incredible daughter of Rita and Pretty Boy Leif. Michael and Sarah have Rovi up at the Athabasca facility putting her through the Desna training program.

She is nicely through it and is 7 months of age. This is one of the very best females in North America and easily one of the most diverse genetics anywhere in the world. Genetics in Rovi of course exist no where else but at Kamia.

This is a powerful young female that draws on some of the very best genetics that could be found with bloodlines going back to the start of the Association and much further.

Those of you who are wondering what a pup through the 24 month Desna program will be like, Michael has put together an incredible video showing Rovi out working some deep snow.

His ability to showcase the quality and ability of these dogs is incredible and his skill level in training them and bringing out the instincts is top shelf. He is a high level pup trainer and breeder and his filming while out training is out of this world good! Hats off to him for this amazing dog, the training and the video.

Please take the time to watch if full 4K splendor this amazing female, Rovi!

Rovi - Norwegian Elkhound Foundation Female 7 Months